ln these woods, red squlrrels feed
malnly on nuts such as the hazel.
With practice, they can split
the shell ln two with one bite.
Their rear paws are stronger
and longer than the frontt ones.
So squlrrels always
come down trees head first...
...bearing theirweight on
the sharp claws of their rear paws.
Their lightness allows them to
reach the upperbranches...
...using theirtall
ln order to keep their balance.
During the mating season...
...the male defends its territory
from other males.
One male defeats another
by means of aggressive pursuit.
The domlnant male,
normally the more mascullne...
...expels the lntruder
during a skirmish.
The worst that can happen is
the loss of the tip of the tall.
Eli, breathe with me.
They can be cunnlng,
meek and light...
...llke flles.
They can also be llars and shy...
...but strategic and sinuous...
...and capable of weavlng
clever plots behlnd man's back.
l'm Lisa, your amnesiac friend,
Elisa Matximbarrena, please.
The consultant wahts to see you.
Follow me.