Last Action Hero

Do no even think it, Slater.
Wait for the hostage negotiator.

Goddamn it, Jack,
I am talking to you!

The last time you pulled this
jive, jitterbug, tough gonad shit -

- people lost bodyparts!
If you go in there,
you will lose your badge!

Jack, as Mayor of this city, -
- you and I have had our tiffs,
but this is the Lieutenant Governor.

- When the Governor gets here, call me.
- Do not let Slater in.

Repeat: Do not let him in!
Piece of cake.
Do you want to be a farmer?
Here is a couple of acres.

- Dekker, the next one I will hurt.
- Slater, do not go in there!

Check fire. There is a plain-clothes
officer in the building.

- Jack, what kept you?
- Dad!

Andy is getting nervous.
I promised him you would come.

I gave him my word he could
watch you die. Lose the cannon.

Has he hurt you, Andrew?
Did you say hurt, Jack?
What do you know about hurt?

- You put me in a cage for ten years.
- You deserved the death penalty.

Yes, whatever.
Things crawl around in my head
and sit on my chest when I wake up.
