Les Visiteurs

Your cousin is very violent.
He nearly castrated me.

Castrated clod!
He saved our King's life.
Ah, my youngling.
Why did you abandon me?
Their little red balls
made me sleep.
Master! Master!
Why are you bound?
How much is the ransom?

Silence, peasant!
The "little red balls" are valium.
50 milligrams. He barely slept.
Apothecary, I demand
to be released immediately.

Calm down.
I am neither sick nor loony.
I come from far, far away.

He thinks no one
understands who he is.

Persecution mania.
But it's true. He came from Borneo.
He had an accident during a rally.

Right, cousin Hubert?
Cousin Hubert?
Yes. Hubert de Montmirail.
It's freaky...
he has my father's hands.

You know your name.
He knows nothing.
He's completely amnesiac.

He says he's never watched Tv.
Amnesiac? How tragic!
His last remaining memories are
a few facts from History class.
Elementary stuff.
It's often the case with amnesiacs.
He speaks a hodgepodge
of Latin and Old French.

Verbal diarrhea.
Let him go.
- Pawing at him won't help!
- Compose yourself.

Will you free him?
Yes, only because
your husband is a doctor,

and he agrees to take
full responsibility.
Another relative of yours?
No, not at all.
An old friend of Hubert's.
I belong to the Count.
Souplette, sire?
Is he a foreigner?
I don't understand him.

Yes, that must be it.
Come, cousin...
