Les Visiteurs

You don't believe me? I'll show
you something you've never seen.

That no one has ever seen.
That you'll never see again.
Sit thyself down, and watch.
I'm going to vomit.
Does your tummy ache?
Where is Mr. Kass?
How did "Jacky" get so rich?
An antique car is no bargain.
It's his own personal fortune.
His family owns this joint.
He wants us to tie the knot.

Why didn't you
tell me from the start?

I did.
You wouldn't listen.
You're right.
I'm sorry Godefroy.

I'm going, Beatrice.
I am very happy to have known you.
Godefroy, I'm so moved.
What can I say?

We'll never meet again.
It is so unique
to be able to touch you,

my youngling,
my ever-so-young youngling.

You know,
I lied.
I was not searching for a treasure,
but for the magic potion.

Pardon me.
No treasure can replace
our having met.

Nothing can equal
meeting one's descendants.

Bea? Are you there?
