So you let him get away, huh?
He's gone, Colt.
Look, why don't you
come home with me...
so you can see how a warm
family environment...
can offer so much more...
than your hollow,
hate-filled existence?
Maybe some other time.
Sergeant Colt,
Metropolitan Police Department.
This is Sergeant Luger.
We're commandeering
your vehicles.
Wait a minute.
We're commandeering kids' bikes?
That's disgusting.
l'm getting too old for this
bike-confiscating shit.
Don't worry, kids.
We'll take good care
of your bikes.
l can't imagine where Doris is.
She always likes
to check out my new partners.
You forgot, Daddy.
This is Mom's "bowling
with the Teamsters" night.
Oh, yeah, right.
So, Ben, dad help you
with your homework?
Nah. l don't want to repeat
the fifth grade again.
So, Debbie, uh,
how do you like school?
How do you think l like it?
lt sucks.
Oh, here's Doris now.
Hon, hon.