Do you think I could
meet your parents today?
It's just not a good day today.
- Why is that?
- I can just tell.
- Okay. Nothing's wrong, is it?
- No.
- Everything's still on, right?
- Yeah, sure.
It's just not a good day today.
I better get started.
Tonight's the big dinner.
Wish me luck, Johnny.
Okay, that's good enough for me.
You wanna go with me? Why?
- It's cold and dangerous out there.
- I know, but there's money out there.
- You're looking to get rich fast?
- It's not for me. It's to give to Pop.
- Ain't that nice? Kind of like Robin Hood.
- I don't wanna rob people.
- No? Who you wanna rob?
- No one.
- That sort of rules out getting rich fast.
- Some people do it.
- Meaning who?
- I thought you could teach me some things.
I got nothing to teach you,
and I got nothing I wanna teach you!
You think that's what I do? Rob banks?
Rob liquor stores?
- Little old ladies in the park?
- No, I don't think so.