That's disgusting!
The most revolting thing I've ever seen.
What is this? Turn it off, will you?
Come on. I wantyou
to meet this lady with me.
I wantyou to be polite to her, then...
tell me whatyou think.
Everybody stand over here
and help me decide what to do.
Hello. Mrs Hillard, I presume.
Yes. I'm Miranda Hillard.
Euphegenia Doubtfire.
Yes. Won'tyou please come in?
Thank you, dear.
- And these must be the cherubs.
- Yes.
- This is Natalie.
- Oh, hello, Natalie.
- Are you wearing bug spray?
- Nattie!
It's quite all right, dear. No offence taken.
I was a little liberal with the atomiser.
And at my age, it's like a good Stilton.
Everything has its own aroma.
I admire that honesty, Nattie.
That's a noble quality. Never lose that.
It often disappears with age
or entering politics.
Look at that face.
You remind me of Stuart Little,
one of the most honourable creatures
in all of literature.
- Do you knowthat book, Stuart Little?
- Yeah! It's one of my favourites.
Mine, too! Maybe I could read it to you -
if I get the position.
- That would be wonderful.
- And who is this strapping young lad?
- This is Chris.
- Hello, Christopher.
Jeez, you're big for a lady.
You could play for the 49ers.
Well, I was a fullback.
But that's European football, dear.
- Soccer?
- Yes. You play soccer, too?
- Yeah!
- Oh, isn't that amazing?
Yes, I was captain of the women's team.
We won three university championships.
Oh, but that was decades ago!
But I was more disciplined then. I always
put my studies ahead of my athletics.
I'm sure you're the same
and you've done all your homework already.
- Well, not exactly.
- Really? Oh. That's a pity.