Mrs. Doubtfire

It often disappears with age
or entering politics.

Look at that face.
You remind me of Stuart Little,

one of the most honourable creatures
in all of literature.

- Do you knowthat book, Stuart Little?
- Yeah! It's one of my favourites.

Mine, too! Maybe I could read it to you -
if I get the position.

- That would be wonderful.
- And who is this strapping young lad?

- This is Chris.
- Hello, Christopher.

Jeez, you're big for a lady.
You could play for the 49ers.

Well, I was a fullback.
But that's European football, dear.

- Soccer?
- Yes. You play soccer, too?

- Yeah!
- Oh, isn't that amazing?

Yes, I was captain of the women's team.
We won three university championships.

Oh, but that was decades ago!
But I was more disciplined then. I always
put my studies ahead of my athletics.

I'm sure you're the same
and you've done all your homework already.

- Well, not exactly.
- Really? Oh. That's a pity.

Young men who don't do their studies
often miss out on more amusing activities.

- And who is this young lady?
- This is Lydia.

Hello, Lydia.
This isn't fair, Mom.
Why do we need a housekeeper anyway?

- This is all I need.
- Why can't Dad do it?

Dear, I don't think it's appropriate to argue
with your mother in front of a stranger.

I just don't see why
we can't spend the extra time with Dad.

Maybe she's right, dear. Maybe their father
would be a more appropriate person.

No, I don't think so.
It's not my fault, honey. If he would
get a job and a decent apartment...

- You see, he's the kind...
- Excuse me, dear.

I'm sure you'd want the children
to step out of the room

before you verbally bash their father. Hm?
If I did that, I might never see them again.
- I'm sorry. You're right.
- No harm done.

- You're absolutely right.
- I'm not a therapist. I just see what I see.
