Much Ado About Nothing

Is she not a modest young lady?
Do you question me
for my simple true judgment...

...or would you have me speak after my custom,
a professed tyrant to their sex?

No. I pray thee speak in sober judgment.
Why, ' faith me thinks
she's too low for a high praise...

...too brown for a fair praise,
and too little for a great praise.

This commendation I can afford her,
that were she other, she were unhandsome...

...and being no other but as she is,
I do not like her.

Thou thinkest I am in sport.
I pray thee tell me truly how thou likest her.

Would you buy her, that you enquire after her?
Can the world buy such a jewel?
Yea, and a case to put it into.
But speak you this with a sad brow?
In mine eyes,
she is the sweetest lady that ever I looked on.

I can see yet without spectacles
and I see no such matter.

There's her cousin,
an' she were not possessed with a fury...

...exceeds her as much in beauty as
the first of May doth the last of December.

But I hope you have no intent to turn husband.
Have you?
I would scarce trust myself...
...though I had sworn the contrary...
...if Hero would be my wife.
Is't come to this?
Shall I never see
a bachelor of three-score again?
