Thou thinkest I am in sport.
I pray thee tell me truly how thou likest her.
Would you buy her, that you enquire after her?
Can the world buy such a jewel?
Yea, and a case to put it into.
But speak you this with a sad brow?
In mine eyes,
she is the sweetest lady that ever I looked on.
I can see yet without spectacles
and I see no such matter.
There's her cousin,
an' she were not possessed with a fury...
...exceeds her as much in beauty as
the first of May doth the last of December.
But I hope you have no intent to turn husband.
Have you?
I would scarce trust myself...
...though I had sworn the contrary...
...if Hero would be my wife.
Is't come to this?
Shall I never see
a bachelor of three-score again?
What secret hath held you here,
that you followed not to Leonato's?
He is in love.
With who? That is your grace's part.
With Hero...
...Leonato's short daughter!
Amen, if you love her,
for the lady is very well worthy.
-You speak this to fetch me in.
-By my troth, I speak my thought.
-And in faith, my lord, I spoke mine.
-And, by my two faiths and troths, I spoke mine.
-That I love her, I feel.
-That she is worthy, I know.
That I neither feel how she should be loved
nor know how she is worthy...
...is the opinion that fire cannot melt out of me.
I will die in it at the stake.
Thou wast ever an obstinate heretic
in the despite of beauty.
That a woman conceived me...
...l thank her.
That she brought me up,
I likewise give her most humble thanks.
But that I will hang my...
...bugle in an invisible baldric...
...all women shall pardon me.
I will live a bachelor.
I shall see thee 'ere I die, look pale with love.