Do you live 'ere?
Yeah, I do unfortunately.
Do you know Louise Clancy ?
Yeah. Are you friend of hers?
Know where she is?
She's at work
What time does she get back?
Dunno. About seven or something
Fuckin' hell !
D'you wanna come in for a cuppa tea?
Is it alright with you, love?
It's just, you know, cold
Listen, have you got anything for a headache?
Ah, yeah, we 'ave as it 'appens
You know, like a monkey-wrench or somethin'
What's all this about?
Oh yeah, that's Sandra, that is
Hallo, Sandra.
This is 'er place
She's a fuckin' nurse
That's 'er idea of interior design
Oh yeah - it's a skeletion
And this is 'er cocktail cabinet, an' all
There you go, that should do it
No, it's too big
D'you want a cuppa tea?
So are you Louise's boyfriend?
Oh, right. What, you're just like a mate?
You must be the missing link then
Yeah, that's me
You're not gonna tell me your name?
I'm not gonna tell you mine neither
All right, we'll be strangers
- I see your boomerang came back then, love
- It's not my fuckin' boomerang
What about the old diminishing pachyderm formation there?
No, that's all Sandra's collection
She's in Zimbabwe at the moment.
And fuck knows what she's gonna bring back from there
Pellagra or hepatitis B or something.
She's with her boyfriend
So how is Louise?
I dunno.
I don't know 'er as well as you.
D'you get on with 'er?
We've been out a couple o' times.