
And listen love,
I hope that when you're tucked up tonight
all snug and warm underneath your tear-sodden fuckin' duvet
and your ankle-length Emily Bronte windin'-sheet
that you spare a thought for me, with my head in a puddle of cold dog's piss,
An' I hope that you dream about me.
An' I hope that you wake up screaming.
And I hope that all your fuckin' children
are born blind, bow-legged, hare-lipped, homeless hunchbacks!!
'Ave you ever 'ad an abortion?
'Ave you?
No. I thought I was pregnant once.
Would you 'ave 'ad one?
Will, In the end, it turned out I wasn't, and 'e left me anyway, so...
I wanted to keep mine
What happened?
All my mates said I couldn't look after a baby
Too fuckin' right.
Did it make you feel shitty?
It was a nightmare.
I really loved 'im
'E was a philosopher
Where was this?
You should've seen the state of 'is girlfriend
'Ad one when I was fifteen, an' all.
Oh, Jesus, Sophie!
I think that one was worse for my mum,
fuckin' drama she made out of it
I could've been married by now, with a four-year-old
D'you want to get married?
Don't know
Just 'cos you 'ave a kid with someone doesn't mean they're gonna stick around.
My dad didn't. 'E couldn't fuckin' wait to get out.
Well, don't know if I want to get married,
but I wouldn't say no to a proper relationship
What is a proper relationship?
Livin' with someone 'oo talks to you after they've bonked you.
