Too fuckin' right.
Did it make you feel shitty?
It was a nightmare.
I really loved 'im
'E was a philosopher
Where was this?
You should've seen the state of 'is girlfriend
'Ad one when I was fifteen, an' all.
Oh, Jesus, Sophie!
I think that one was worse for my mum,
fuckin' drama she made out of it
I could've been married by now, with a four-year-old
D'you want to get married?
Don't know
Just 'cos you 'ave a kid with someone doesn't mean they're gonna stick around.
My dad didn't. 'E couldn't fuckin' wait to get out.
Well, don't know if I want to get married,
but I wouldn't say no to a proper relationship
What is a proper relationship?
Livin' with someone 'oo talks to you after they've bonked you.
I don't know what they want from you 'alf the time.
What they start off liking you for
they end up hatin' you for.
Don't like you if you're strong, don't like you if you're weak;
hate you if you're clever, hate you if you're stupid.
They don't know what they want.
D'you think that bastard's fucked off yet?
Yeah, he musta done by now.