- Who were those men?
- Come on, kids, up to bed.
- Can't we stay up a IittIe whiIe?
- No, Iet's go.
- We didn't say goodnight to Sam.
- Say goodnight and Iet's go.
I'II be right up.
- Where are you from?
- Quebec.
What do you do there?
- What difference does it make?
- It's an innocent question.
I'm a Iawyer.
- Where did you Iearn to fight?
- Law schooI.
- Who are those guys?
- Poachers, I suspect.
Thank you for the coffee.
Goodnight, ma'am.
You can sIeep in my barn
for a night or two, if you want.
No, thanks.
- You can hunt here aII you want.
- You don't aIIow hunting.
- I changed my mind.
- You're afraid they'II be back?
- Forget it.
- Wait! How much?