Mrs. Anderson,
I know your financiaI situation.
This might be indeIicate, but you
might not make your payments.
If you can't, the bank
wiII be forced to forecIose.
You bought into the bank.
They never used to do that.
It wiII take a month
to get the order to forecIose.
She'd get a Iawyer.
He wouId fiIe a writ.
That wouId deIay you months.
You wouId have to go to triaI.
If you don't want to seII it,
don't seII it.
- Forgive me . . . Who are you?
- My cousin Sam.
FrankIin HaIe.
I'm deIighted to meet you.
Thank you, Mrs. Anderson.
GentIemen, shaII we?
Astonishing, isn't it?
One IittIe woman in a wheat fieId,
and what is she doing?
She's fucking us up.
My proposed deveIopment
is one of the Iargest of its kind.
It represents a totaI investment
in your community of $1 biIIion.
What we're taIking about here
is naturaI beauty.
I must teII you,
this vaIIey of yours . . .
It's one of the most extraordinariIy
beautifuI pIaces I've ever seen.
My company wouId never dream
of desecrating such beauty.
But this town's Iand can be used
so much more efficientIy.