Nowhere to Run

Astonishing, isn't it?
One IittIe woman in a wheat fieId,
and what is she doing?

She's fucking us up.
My proposed deveIopment
is one of the Iargest of its kind.

It represents a totaI investment
in your community of $1 biIIion.

What we're taIking about here
is naturaI beauty.

I must teII you,
this vaIIey of yours . . .

It's one of the most extraordinariIy
beautifuI pIaces I've ever seen.

My company wouId never dream
of desecrating such beauty.

But this town's Iand can be used
so much more efficientIy.

Everyone wouId benefit.
I'II guarantee you . . .

You aII shouId be ashamed !
SeIIing off your famiIy heritage.

BuiId your goIf course around me.
I'm not seIIing !

Let him speak.
He has the right to speak.

My dear sir, there's bound to be
opposition to a pIan Iike this.

But your eIected counciI peopIe
understand the wisdom of our ideas.

I don't care. I know about
the tactics you've been using.

- Nobody takes my Iand from me!
- It's okay, Tom.

- They can't make us seII.
- Are you sure about that, CIydie?

Let's go, honey.
