How can you be in love
if you don't know nothing about it?
-Just the way things go.
-Are you married?
-How long you been married?
About six months now.
I don't wear it all the time.
You don't mind
if she doesn't wear your ring?
He don't mind.
He can answer f or himself,
if he's a real man.
No, no. I don't mind.
My husband would kill me
if I didn't wear no ring.
-I heard that.
-And I know that's right.
-Damn, you greedy.
-Gotta eat to live.
Well, why you so skinny, then?
Look at the cute baby.
Can I hold her f or you?
Look at you. I heard that.
Give me a burp. That spittle?
You be dating them
professional men, huh?
Doctors, lawyers, pharmacists?
Street pharmacists?
I knew you was like that.
Here. I'll take her now.
She is so cute. You sure?
What's her name?
Her name is lmani.
Hi, lmani. Hi there.
You're so cute. Yes, you are.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, lmani.
So you got a kid, huh?
-Why you ask me that?
-Because you look like the type.
-And what's the type?
-I don't know.
This. You just walking by.
You the type.
You got any kids?
Hell, no, I ain't got no kids.
I don't even like kids.