You be dating them
professional men, huh?
Doctors, lawyers, pharmacists?
Street pharmacists?
I knew you was like that.
Here. I'll take her now.
She is so cute. You sure?
What's her name?
Her name is lmani.
Hi, lmani. Hi there.
You're so cute. Yes, you are.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, lmani.
So you got a kid, huh?
-Why you ask me that?
-Because you look like the type.
-And what's the type?
-I don't know.
This. You just walking by.
You the type.
You got any kids?
Hell, no, I ain't got no kids.
I don't even like kids.
Sure don't look like that to me.
This here's kind of cool.
You ever been to one of these?
No, I ain't got much f amily.
Family I do have, we ain't this close.
I ain't never seen so many black f olks
in one spot and there ain't no fight.
Let's get back to these
street pharmacists you used to see.
Let me tell you something.
I only went out with one.
He was my first boyf riend,
my first love. He meant a lot to me.
-So you was in it f or the money?
-You're getting too damn personal.
What the f uck you know? You don't
even keep your f ucking nails clean.