Rising Sun

Our ghost has left a reflection.
I'm adjusting image resolution
and sharpening.

If I apply an edge detection operation,
I should be able to isolate the reflection

and pull out its shape.
Let's... adjust resolution and...
magnitude of each of the color channels.
Let's filter out all the noise
we picked up along the way.

Holy shit.
Eddie Sakamura.
Then he witnessed the murder.
How many hours
did they have to work on these?

- I got my call at...
- The murder took place 8:30pm.

- Ishihara delivered the disk to us... 1:33am.
- Five hours.

I doubt it could be done.
If it could be done,
where would it be done?
- It's quiet.
- Hardly anyone's in yet.

They were working late
last night on a rush project.

I'm sure Nakamoto
appreciates the hard work.

Yes. I heard it went real well for them.
Mr. Donaldson is expecting you.
Yes. We did some work together
when this was the Donaldson Corporation.

- Jim, how are you?
- Captain Connor.

- Web Smith.
- Hello.

- What can I do for you?
- Well, we need your help, Jim.
