-Let's go. Get on the baII.
I'm sick of being aII-time center.
-I'm sick of being aII-time center.
I toId you five times.
You can't pIay anything
eIse but that.
You're too smaII.
-I can too.
-You guys, I'm going. I'm sorry.
-I gotta go.
-We need you.
-Come on.
-Let Rudy pIay in my pIace.
Good idea, Frank. Let Rudy pIay.
Come on. Why not?
Okay, you can rush the passer.
AII right, Rudy.
We gotta get them.
Okay, Iet's go.
Set, hut!
Get him, Rudy. Get him.
-The snow, for the touchdown.
AII right!
What a spaz.
AII right! We won, guys!
Oh, yeah!
-There you go.
Pete, you got your own home?
-Last time I Iooked.
-You're weIcome here anytime.
Excuse me, young Iady. Who are you?
Sherry WaIinski.
-Bob's kid?
-Rudy's girIfriend.
She is not.
Yes, I am.