-There you go.
Pete, you got your own home?
-Last time I Iooked.
-You're weIcome here anytime.
Excuse me, young Iady. Who are you?
Sherry WaIinski.
-Bob's kid?
-Rudy's girIfriend.
She is not.
Yes, I am.
-Everybody has a job at the miII.
-But I don't want that.
Where eIse you gonna get 5 bucks
an hour? You got union protection.
You got reIatives watching
your front and your back.
TeII me where you'II find this...
-...and God be with you.
-But, Dad, Pat's going there--
-You gonna give me indigestion here?
-Leave the boy aIone.
But this boy can go off on his own.
You heard him.
That's enough.
Has anybody eIse got anything to say
before I start this meaI?
After high schooI, I'm gonna
pIay footbaII at Notre Dame.
PIay footbaII at Notre Dame?
And I'II buy a mansion
on Lake Shore Drive.
What are we watching? ChanneI 7.