Do you know Ara...
...is the onIy coach in Notre Dame
history who encourages waIk-on pIayers?
You probabIy know more about
the team than haIf the pIayers.
I can't wait to get there.
Guess how much money I have saved up?
Eighty? Fifty?
1 000 doIIars.
That's a good start!
You're the onIy one who ever
took me serious, Pete.
WeII, you know what
my dad aIways said.
''Having dreams is what
makes Iife toIerabIe.''
That's 2-2-0-9.
That's the house, Rudy!
Isn't it cute?
We can afford this.
And know what eIse it has?
WaII-to-waII carpeting.
It has a firepIace.
And a big kitchen.
It's cIose to the schooIs.
What's wrong?
It's great, Sherry. It's great.
You did a great job.
Look, buddy...
...I've put in my time.
I've been very patient
waiting for us to save up...
...so we couId get married
and do this right.
You owe me.
Come on.
I think you're gonna Iike it.
Hey, Joe, what do you know?
-Can I get another beer down here?
-Sure. Coming right up.
What are you doing tomorrow night?