Isn't it cute?
We can afford this.
And know what eIse it has?
WaII-to-waII carpeting.
It has a firepIace.
And a big kitchen.
It's cIose to the schooIs.
What's wrong?
It's great, Sherry. It's great.
You did a great job.
Look, buddy...
...I've put in my time.
I've been very patient
waiting for us to save up...
...so we couId get married
and do this right.
You owe me.
Come on.
I think you're gonna Iike it.
Hey, Joe, what do you know?
-Can I get another beer down here?
-Sure. Coming right up.
What are you doing tomorrow night?
A IittIe TV.
Coach Parseghian is speaking at the
Chicago Grid Iron CIub. Wanna go?
Sure. If Rhonda
Iets me stay out Iate.
TeII her the D train gets
back no Iater than 1 0:30--
Ara Parseghian? You just
can't give it up, can you?
He's the greatest coach
in the country, Frank.
Are you gonna kiss his autographed
picture every night?
-What is your probIem?
-Or maybe he'II Iet you wipe his ass.
-Why don't you Ieave him aIone?
-Mind your own business.
As Iong as my brother taIks this crazy
Notre Dame shit, he deserves
Hey, you were a pretty big
Notre Dame fan.
I used to coIIect basebaII cards too.
Forget about it.
You know what Coach GiIIespie
said about you, Frank?
He said you had a Iot of taIent.
But your probIem was,
you were too afraid of getting hit.
You had no guts.
Go to heII, Pete.
-Come on.
-It's okay.