A IittIe TV.
Coach Parseghian is speaking at the
Chicago Grid Iron CIub. Wanna go?
Sure. If Rhonda
Iets me stay out Iate.
TeII her the D train gets
back no Iater than 1 0:30--
Ara Parseghian? You just
can't give it up, can you?
He's the greatest coach
in the country, Frank.
Are you gonna kiss his autographed
picture every night?
-What is your probIem?
-Or maybe he'II Iet you wipe his ass.
-Why don't you Ieave him aIone?
-Mind your own business.
As Iong as my brother taIks this crazy
Notre Dame shit, he deserves
Hey, you were a pretty big
Notre Dame fan.
I used to coIIect basebaII cards too.
Forget about it.
You know what Coach GiIIespie
said about you, Frank?
He said you had a Iot of taIent.
But your probIem was,
you were too afraid of getting hit.
You had no guts.
Go to heII, Pete.
-Come on.
-It's okay.
He used to teII me if you had one
haIf of Rudy's heart and desire...
...you couId have been
He said you were a pussy.
Come on, Frank.
-Rudy! Rudy!
-AII right!
That's enough!
Do you hear me?!
That's enough!
Frank, good!
Don't nothing ever change?
Throw them out, Mary Ann.
You didn't have to get into it
with Frank. I can take care of myseIf.
I know you can.
That was between him and me!