He used to teII me if you had one
haIf of Rudy's heart and desire...
...you couId have been
He said you were a pussy.
Come on, Frank.
-Rudy! Rudy!
-AII right!
That's enough!
Do you hear me?!
That's enough!
Frank, good!
Don't nothing ever change?
Throw them out, Mary Ann.
You didn't have to get into it
with Frank. I can take care of myseIf.
I know you can.
That was between him and me!
Ever since he started working here,
he's been pissed off.
Because he's not the same
kind of god around here...
...that he was in high schooI.
We got a breakout!
Rudy, I need more water!
I'm not getting any!
Try another vaIve!
I'm not getting any, Pete!
Come on, goddamn it.
There's no pressure in the Iine.
We need to get out of here!
Turn something!