
Speaking for myself,
I'd welcome the company.

Somehow, Christmas makes more sense
when there are children around.

I suppose
we ought to get a tree.

What I really resent
is the presumption of good will.

I feel no good will toward
my fellow man whatever.

- I feel ill will.
- It'll be different this year...

More cheerful, I've no doubt.
A festive season.

I'm afraid Christmas, as I remember it,
is rather a lost cause.

- It's because we've lost the magic.
- No more blasted magic.

Well, you tell people it's about
taking care of the poor and needy...

and naturally
they don't even miss it.

The needy do come into it.
"No room at the inn," remember?
The mother and child?

Jack's invited them
to stay with us.

Mother and child.
Mrs. Gresham and her son...
They're spending Christmas
with us.

Well, Jack, you have succeeded
in surprising me.

Who is Mrs. Gresham?
Oh, she's just a friend,
an American.

A writer.
People do have guests
for Christmas, don't they?

Hello, Jack.
Happy Christmas.

This is Oxford station.
Nice talking to you.
Have a good trip and a merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.
- Same to you too.

- No, Mom.
- Are you sure it's not too heavy?

Mom, why did those people
sing so loud on the train?
