Uh, oh, I don't know.
It's such a strange country...
but I think the natives
are friendly.
So, you finish your chapter
and say your prayers?
You have a big,
big kiss on your cheek.
- Good night.
- Night.
- Good evening, Major Lewis.
- Good evening, Roberts.
- Mr. Lew...
- Evening, Roberts.
Good evening.
Come and meet
the college professors.
- Where on Earth did he find her?
- She wrote to him.
Ah. A pen pal.
Is this your first trip
to England, Mrs. Gresham?
Oh, yeah. It's my first, but I was
wanting to come for a long time.
- What brings you to England?
- I'm working on a book...
so I was hoping to find
a publisher over here.
Christopher, there you are.
Yes, Jack, here I am.
Please let me introduce you
to Mrs. Joy Gresham.
- Professor Christopher Riley.
- Professor Riley.
- How do you do?
- Pleasure.
What success have you had...
with your book?
To be honest,
it's not ready to be seen yet.
You mustn't let that stop you,
Mrs. Gresham.
It doesn't stop Jack.
I'm sorry?
I am right in assuming you're
from the United States of America?
- Yes, I am.
- Perhaps you can satisfy...
my curiosity on a related matter.