
Sunny mornings not yet come.
Give me blizzards and frozen pipes,
but not this nothing time.

Not this
waiting room of the world.

Tell me something, Christopher.
How shall I put this?

Would you say
you were content?

I am as I am.
The world is as it is.
My contentment or otherwise
has very little to do with it.

Don't you ever feel
a sense of waste?

Of course.
Good evening.
I hope you don't mind.
May I come in?
I happened to be in Blackwell's
the other day...

and I saw you borrow a book.
No, steal. I stole it.
Most of these books are stolen.

They're written to be read.
At least I read them...

which is more
than most people do.

So you read differently
to the rest of us, do you?

Yes, I do.
I read at night.
It's the only thing breaks me
concentration. All night sometimes.

When I start a new book
my hands are shaking.
