
I hope you don't mind.
May I come in?
I happened to be in Blackwell's
the other day...

and I saw you borrow a book.
No, steal. I stole it.
Most of these books are stolen.

They're written to be read.
At least I read them...

which is more
than most people do.

So you read differently
to the rest of us, do you?

Yes, I do.
I read at night.
It's the only thing breaks me
concentration. All night sometimes.

When I start a new book
my hands are shaking.

My eyes are jumping ahead...
Does he feel the way I felt?

Does he see
what I've seen?

You know, my father used to say...
He was a teacher like you.

Well, not like you.
He was only
the village schoolmaster.

What was it your father
used to say?

"We read to know
we're not alone."

Would it help
if I made you a small loan?

Yes, I expect it would,
if I wanted to be helped.

I see. Good-bye.
You see, we are like
blocks of stone...

out of which the sculptor
carves the forms of men.

The blows of His chisel,
which hurt us so much...
