
- God knows, but does God care?
- Of course.

We see so little here.
We're not the creator.

We're the creatures, aren't we?
We're the rats
in the cosmic laboratory.

I've no doubt the experiment
is for our own good, but...

it still makes God the vivisectionist,
doesn't it?

It won't do.
It's this bloody awful mess,
and that's all there is to it.

I'm sorry. I am sorry.
Just not fit company tonight,
that's all.

- Yes?
- Your grief is your own business.

Maybe you feel life is a mess.
But there's Douglas.

- What about Douglas?
- Talk to him.

- I don't know what to say to him.
- Just talk to him!

When my mother died...
I was your age.
I thought that if
I prayed for her to get better...

and if I really believed
she'd get better...

then she wouldn't die.
But she did.
It doesn't work.
