- Have you got ready-made birthday cakes?
- Yeah. They're right here.
- Have you got one with "Betty" on it already?
- Just what you see here.
I can do something special,
but not for today.
Yeah. Well, all right,
I'll take that one. What is it?
- It's a lemon cake.
- Can you maybe put her name on it?
- I can't do it today.
- All right. Well, how much is it?
It's 14.75 with tax.
Mrs. Schwarzmeier, can you box this up?
Jawohl, Herr Bitkower.
Mrs. Schw... Could you maybe...
Could you just write "Betty" on here?
"Betty"? No. No.
- Hi.
- I'd like to order a birthday cake.
- Sure. What kind?
- Birthdays. They keep adding up, huh?
- Here is your cake and your change.
- Thanks.
Oh, I've got a couple
ideas here.
Okay, this is what I'd like.
What's that say?
"Happy Birthday, Casey"?
- Oh, excuse me.
- Yes. Casey.
- And is that supposed to be a baseball bat?
- Hi, Mrs. Schwarzmeier.
Yes, that's a baseball bat.
I don't draw very well.
- I came to pick up the cake
for Debbie Eggenweiler.
- Are you sure you want this?
Because I have some
very nice baseball designs.
- I think it's prepaid.
- Yes. Yes.
- If you like this, I can do it.
- No, I like this.
He's, um, he's starting Little League,
so we're real excited.
That's really sweet. His name
is Casey, and he plays baseball.
- Down, down.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Beautiful shot, man.
Hey. Casey. What's up?
How come you're
not in school?
- Let him go.
- Hey, Casey, you wanna see the dribble?
- Come on, Joe!
- Hey! Heads up!
- Come on. We're ahead too.
- Let's go.
Pass you. Pass you.