How long have you
had this dog, sir?
What the hell difference
does it make? It's my kid's dog.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take this dog,
sir. It's been missing for a couple of days.
- It's highly dangerous. It bit an infant.
- A police officer's taking the dog.
We have to check it for rabies.
It doesn't look sick to me.
You sure you got the right dog?
- It fits the description, sir.
- Please, sir. Don't take my dog.
I'm sorry, son. I have to.
It's for your own safety.
And kids, in the future,
if you find a lost dog, report it.
Every animal has
their rightful owner.
- Don't let him take my dog.
- Don't worry about it.
- In you go, Suzy.
Don't you have anything better to do
than take dogs away from kids?
Keep up with that lip, sir, I'm gonna
have to cite you for an open container.
Dad, aren't you gonna
do something?
- Aren't you gonna get him back?
- We'll get you a new dog.
- But I don't want a new dog.
- Let's get inside.
- Frisbee was special.
- Don't worry about it.
I've asked one of my
colleagues to come by.
We're not sure why
Casey's not responsive.
His CAT scan shows
the blood clot's still small...
but there's still
more brain swelling.
I'd like to suggest some minor surgery.
Intracranial pressure monitor.
- Oh, God.
- There's no cause for alarm.
Casey's making small
improvements in other areas.
His lungs have cleared up
substantially. That's a big plus.
Brian, the Negro boy in 111.
I think he was operated on yesterday.
Could I inquire about his condition?
- Oh, yeah. He's doing very well.
- Yeah?
He's out of critical condition. We'll be
taking him out of the I.C.U. Today.