I've asked one of my
colleagues to come by.
We're not sure why
Casey's not responsive.
His CAT scan shows
the blood clot's still small...
but there's still
more brain swelling.
I'd like to suggest some minor surgery.
Intracranial pressure monitor.
- Oh, God.
- There's no cause for alarm.
Casey's making small
improvements in other areas.
His lungs have cleared up
substantially. That's a big plus.
Brian, the Negro boy in 111.
I think he was operated on yesterday.
Could I inquire about his condition?
- Oh, yeah. He's doing very well.
- Yeah?
He's out of critical condition. We'll be
taking him out of the I.C.U. Today.
Oh, that's nice.
Excuse me just one minute.
- Excuse me. What exactly is a diuretic?
- It makes him urinate more.
- I see. So, that's to alleviate pressure?
- Casey. Casey, please wake up.
- Yeah, okay. I'll be right there.
- Dr. Wyman.
I wanted to thank you for saving
my son's life. You are a miracle worker.
- That's my job.
- He'll have a minor surgery?
Nurse, are you clear about this?
Mr. Finnigan, I'm sorry, I...
Hey, Knute. I just
was hearing the good news.
I can't tell you how pleased I am.
Thank you very much. I mean,
everybody has been so nice.
Casey, we love you, honey.
Please wake up.
Any change in my grandson
that you know of? I mean...
I'm sorry. I don't have
any additional information.
Casey. Casey?
Hey, sweetie.
Hey, sweetie.
Casey. Howard!
- How's your little boy?
- Howard, Casey's waking up.