Short Cuts

Jesus Christ, look at this.
Goddamn it! Look at this!

Look what you made me do!
Goddamn it!

I wanted to wear this.
That's the way you looked that night with
Mitchell Anderson when you were out necking.

- He kissed you, didn't he?
- Come on, Ralph.

I thought we were
through with that.

I want you to tell me about
that night with Mitchell Anderson.

- There's nothing to tell.
- All right.

Then tell me about nothingness. I'd like
to hear a complete account of nothing...

what you didn't do
for two and a half hours.

Why, Ralph? What's so important?
It was three years ago.

All right, it's not important.
It's water under the bridge.

But what irritates me, Marian...
if that's the right word for it...

is that you won't
tell me the truth.

You can't say the obvious.
You can't admit that you lied!

That's what I don't like, Marian,
having to play this charade.

God, Ralph.
How did this start?

Do you know how this started?
'Cause I really...
- I really don't know how this started.
- Marian, look at me!

- You don't have any panties on.
- Do you know how this started?

What do you think you are,
one of your goddamn paintings?

Marian, I'm giving you
a chance to come clean...

clear the slate, on to
a higher consciousness.

And then, don't ever
lie to me again, Marian.

- This is not like you, Ralph.
- What, to demand? You're right, Marian.

But I wanna know.
I wanna know the truth.

- We're just talking, right?
- Yes, Marian. We're just talking!

- You want me to tell you the truth?
- That's all I've ever asked, Marian.

He kissed me.
Does that satisfy you?
Did it satisfy you?
Everybody was pretty far gone,
as you may or may not know.

Marian, I don't really need
all this perspective, just the facts.

All right.
All right, Ralph. Okay.

Somehow... Somehow the two of us
were elected to go out and get liquor.

We drove to the Foremost,
which was closed...

and then to Cappy's,
which was also closed.

In fact, everything was closed.
I mean, I was beginning to wonder
whether anything would be open...

and all I could think of were those
all-night supermarkets, and...
