Short Cuts

Marian, I'm giving you
a chance to come clean...

clear the slate, on to
a higher consciousness.

And then, don't ever
lie to me again, Marian.

- This is not like you, Ralph.
- What, to demand? You're right, Marian.

But I wanna know.
I wanna know the truth.

- We're just talking, right?
- Yes, Marian. We're just talking!

- You want me to tell you the truth?
- That's all I've ever asked, Marian.

He kissed me.
Does that satisfy you?
Did it satisfy you?
Everybody was pretty far gone,
as you may or may not know.

Marian, I don't really need
all this perspective, just the facts.

All right.
All right, Ralph. Okay.

Somehow... Somehow the two of us
were elected to go out and get liquor.

We drove to the Foremost,
which was closed...

and then to Cappy's,
which was also closed.

In fact, everything was closed.
I mean, I was beginning to wonder
whether anything would be open...

and all I could think of were those
all-night supermarkets, and...

I wondered whether anybody
would even be in the mood for a drink...

if we had to drive around half the night
looking for an open market.

He was really drunk.
I hadn't even realized how drunk he was
until we started driving.

And he was driving...
he was driving terribly slow.

He was all hunched over
the wheel, and we were talking.

We were talking about
a lot of things...

A lot of things that
didn't make sense...

I mean, about, uh,
religious images...

and about this...
about this painter,
this painter named Larry Rivers.

And, uh... And then he started
talking about Norman Mailer...

and about how Norman Mailer
stabbed his wife in the breast.

And he said he'd hate it
if anybody did that to me.

He said he'd like
to kiss my breast.

And then he pulled the car over
to the side of the road, and...

then he kissed me.
How long?
