- Got a lot to talk about.
- Oh, yeah ?
- Yeah, but you're gonna have
to wait until tomorrow.
- Hey, Becca !
- Steven Tyler P.J.s !
Steven Tyler P.J.s !
- Rebecca ? Rebecca ?
- That's great, Crawl.
- Rebecca, are you listening ?
Yeah, l am. l'm sorry.
lt's just really hard to talk right now.
- Um, but, okay,
so l'll see you tomorrow.
- Yeah. Hey... l love you.
- Yeah, me too. Bye.
- [ Dial Tone ]
''Veal parmesan
sliced beef...''
- and, ah !
- l thought you were leaving for Vegas.
Nope, fell through. l'm gonna stay here
and munch solo, though.
- By yourself ?
- lt's cool 'cause, look, Hungryman.
They came out
with a new Pilgrim Platter.
l'm all over it.
lt creates the mean loaf.
? How do you please a hungry man ??
Sing it, Rebecca !
- l'm gonna go finish packing.
- Okay, well, take care.
- No, l'll see you before l leave.
- Okay, bye.
''Hungryman satisfies your appetite
with 50º/ more meat.
For hearty appetites and your enjoyment,
we offer a hungry--
- [ Microwave Beeps ]
- What are you-- Hey.
l have a better idea.
Hold up the sign
so she can see it.
- Zack !
- Bonk !
Oow ! What's up, buddies ?
Ha ! Guys !
- ls that her ? ls that--
- Huh ?
- [ Connie ] lt is her. Oh, no.
- Check it.
- Goddamn.
- [ Rebecca ] Weasel wear.
Connie. Walter.
[ Laughs ] Sorry.
- What's up, bro ?
- Excuse me ?
Thanks for the sign.
Travis. lt's good to see you.
- Fine. How are you ?
- Happening.