? Oh, guitar ??
Come on, bud-dy.
You want some rustic wear.
[ Laughing ]
- Hey, Miss Pucket.
- Hi, l think.
[ Laughing ]
- Okay, we need the hat
for the ''do-saver.''
- Charlene, get away from them !
- Oh, boots !
- l'm mingling. Mommy !
- Okay, Crawl,
the dressing room's over there.
- l need more stuff.
- No, you don't. No, you don't.
- Okay. Right here ?
- Yes. Take these. Okay, okay.
- Okay, okay, okay.
[ Sighing ]
- Rebecca ?
- Hi, Tracy.
- Wow ! You look great.
l hardly recognized you.
- Thanks.
When did you get back ?
Um, uh, this morning.
You're still here. l thought
you were going to New York or something.
Well, l still am.
l just need to save some money first.
- You're still working
at the bar, though ?
- Yeah.
- You should come by.
- Yeah, definitely. l'd like that.
- lntroduce me.
- Uh-- Tracy, this is my friend Crawl.
- What's happenin' ? Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- Have you ever done any acting ?
- Crawl, what are you wearing ?
- Chaps ?
- Cheek chillers. You likes ?
- l hates.
- Okay.
- Not bad.
- What-- Oh !
Crawl, that is disgusting !
Hi, how ya doin' ?
Hi, Travis.
- Thank you, Dad.
- Zack, help your sister.
- Zack.
- Now, if Junior would get here--
[ Crawl ]
Where'd-- Why'd ya go so fast ?
Hello. My name is Crawl.
Hello. Real people !
Down-home-cookin' people.
Hey, cool goatee, buddy.