Oh, I almost forgot.
Uh, there's one more thing.
I think it would be wise...
if you stopped working
for that bookseller.
- What's his name?
- Herr Schumler.
What has he done?
- What did you do for him?
- I just delivered books.
Didn't it seem
at all strange to you?
Don't most people come to
pick out books for themselves?
It was for old people
who couldn't go out.
How did you know
they were just books?
Did you ever open them?
It's better to know...
what you're agreeing to,
before you become
part of something.
It was just a job.
We need the money.
Of course.
if you did
go back and check...
and it turns out
that there's nothing...
well, then, you might help
to clear him.
Of course,
you mustn't let him know.
You keep up the good work.
I have great hopes for you.
Well, good night.
Good night.
Ah, Peter.
I've been wondering about you.
Herr Schumler.
Your mother told me...
that you wouldn't be coming
to me for a few weeks...
but I was beginning to think...
you were never coming back.
- I have time again.
- Really?
Don't they keep you very busy
with all those activities...
and competitions?
I don't always have to go...
and I don't always go
even if I have to.
Well, I don't have any
for you today, but when I do...
Thank you.
Excuse me. Can you watch
the store for a moment?