Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

I think I saw this place...
on "Lifestyles of the
Rich and Dangerous."

"Bring me the woman, Niles."
"Lick my boots, Niles."
"Feed my birds, Niles."
What's next,
roll over and play dead?

What are you looking at,
you ugly lump of dung?

Dung, huh?
You dirty... I oughta...
Later, Popeye.
I'm going to get that guy!
You hear what he called me, Leo?
Yeah, an ugly lump of dung.
Well, that was an insult, Leo.
Not necessarily, Raph.
Did you know that
in some countries...

dung is used as a fuel source?
Thanks, Don.
Hi-o, wasabi.
Hello, mustard?
OK, so my Japanese
is a little rusty.

Suzuki, Kawasaki.
How about sayonara?
- That'll work.
- Ciao.

- Adios.
- See you later.

It's me again, Fatso-san.
Open up.
Hurry up!
We want woman.
Move it, you sot!
He's not man enough
to do anything.

There they are...
the Three Stooges.
Larry, Curly, and Moe.
Get her down, you fat sot!
Beat it.
See you later.

Don't ruffle
me little duck's feathers.

I want her for myself.
Hurry up!
It's wet willy time, Moe.
