A stroke?
I told them all it was just
an excess of Thanksgiving.
Dr. Bencomb acted most concerned
and insisted on notifying everyone...
...as if it were the last reading
of my will. You're dear to come.
But perhaps you only wanted
to see what I'd left you.
Granny, that's shocking!
It was shock that did this to me.
No, thank you.
It's all due to Regina Beaufort.
She came here last night...
...and she asked me....
She asked me....
She had the effrontery...
...to ask me to back Julius.
"Not to desert him," she said.
"To stand behind our common lineage
in the Townsend family."
If you back Julius,
you can see the family through.
If you don't...
...we will all...
...everyone of us, fall into dishonor.
I said to her:
Honor's always been honor...
...and honesty's always been honesty
in the Mingott house...
And then she said, if you can
believe this, "But my name, Auntie."
But my name, Auntie!
- My name's Regina Townsend!
- I said to her:
Your name was Beaufort
when he covered you with jewels...
...and it's got to stay Beaufort
now that he's covered you with shame.
Then I gave out.
Simply gave out.
And now family is arriving
expecting a funeral...
...and they'll have to be entertained.
I don't know how many notes
Bencomb sent out.