If you don't...
...we will all...
...everyone of us, fall into dishonor.
I said to her:
Honor's always been honor...
...and honesty's always been honesty
in the Mingott house...
And then she said, if you can
believe this, "But my name, Auntie."
But my name, Auntie!
- My name's Regina Townsend!
- I said to her:
Your name was Beaufort
when he covered you with jewels...
...and it's got to stay Beaufort
now that he's covered you with shame.
Then I gave out.
Simply gave out.
And now family is arriving
expecting a funeral...
...and they'll have to be entertained.
I don't know how many notes
Bencomb sent out.
- If there's anything we can do.
- Well, Ellen is coming.
I expressly asked for her.
If May sends the brougham,
I'll take the ferry.
Fine. Thank you.
There, you see, Granny,
everyone will be settled.
Thank you, dear. Bless you.
I didn't want to worry Granny...
...but how can you meet Ellen
if you have to go to Washington today?
I'm not going. The case is postponed.
I heard from Letterblair this morning.
Postponed? How odd.
Mama had a note from him
this morning too.
He was concerned about Granny
but had to be away.
He was arguing a patent case
before the Supreme Court.
You did say it was a patent case?
The whole office can't go.
Letterblair decided to go himself.
Then it's not postponed?
No, but my going is.