- Geez.
- It's an earthquake.!
- You wanted to consult with me?
- Sit down, Tyler. Relax.
I have heard that you are quite excited
about the arrival of the Clampetts.
I think that you and I,
can fully exploit the potential
of the Clampett financial portfolio.
You and I. The two of us.
I've already taken the liberty of drawing up
the power of attorney papers.
- Have you now?
- So I can write checks, arrange investments...
make international transactions.
- Really work the Clampett account.
- Hmm.
We'll be quite the team, sir.
Tyler, you will personally
rescind, shred and burn...
every paper you have drawn up
with regard to the Clampett account.
- I'll be handling that account personally.
- Duly noted.
And nice kick, sir.
Took me completely by surprise.
- The Clampetts will not be badgered.
- Sir?
They are not your common
garden-variety millionaires.
They are, in fact, billionaires.
By definition, people of,
uh, discrimination...
discernment, great refinement.
Boy, howdy.!
Hey! Jethro, we's supposed
to go thataway.
Hey! You cut us off, you bunch of nothin's!