Tyler, you will personally
rescind, shred and burn...
every paper you have drawn up
with regard to the Clampett account.
- I'll be handling that account personally.
- Duly noted.
And nice kick, sir.
Took me completely by surprise.
- The Clampetts will not be badgered.
- Sir?
They are not your common
garden-variety millionaires.
They are, in fact, billionaires.
By definition, people of,
uh, discrimination...
discernment, great refinement.
Boy, howdy.!
Hey! Jethro, we's supposed
to go thataway.
Hey! You cut us off, you bunch of nothin's!
That's real nice, son.
This here's what I carry.
Okay. Go! Go, go!
Morgan, come in here
a minute, please.
Hi. I'm Doug Llewelyn, and welcome
to the People's Court.
Where is your mother?
She's changing.
That would be
too much to hope for.
- Oh.
- Milburn, I'm sorry. I have to cancel our lunch.
- What?
- I have to spend more quality time with Babette.
Margaret, dear, we are trying to do more things
together... put the spark back, remember?
You claim the defendant
has your dog?
- Um, well, actually...
- Yes or no?
- Yes, we do. - Morgan.
Morgan. - It's my dog.
- It's your dog?
- Yes. I raised this dog from a pup, and due to...