Now, here are the mops, and....
-Are these me mops?
-Right. Your brushes.
And me brushes?
-And me mops.
-That's right.
What do you want me to do with them?
I think you know what to do with them,
Father. Look for dust and dirt.
If I find any dust or dirt...
...l go over them with this mop.
That's right.
Now, I suggest you start off...
...with the brasses on the doors.
There's that door there.
Then the door that's open.
And then there's this door here....
Here's your polish.
And duster.
History could well be made under
this roof over the next few days.
Each and every one of you...
...can be proud of the role
you will play on this occasion.
Imagine yourself
the head of a battalion...
... even if it is only filling
the hot-water bottles.
Each one has his own
particular duty...
... or her particular duty,
as the cap fits.
Polished brass, brilliant silver,
mahogany shining like a mirror.
That is the welcome we will show
these foreign visitors...
... to let them know
they are in England...
... where order and tradition
still prevail.
Thank you, Brian.