Maybe later.
What is it?
That bony little bitch...
...Melissa Robinson?
You just don't do anything for me.
Down, boy!
Everything okay in here?
I heard some commotion.
Fine, sergeant.
You want me to throw him out?
Why don't you throw yourself out?
Yes, ma'am.
Ace, I want you to leave
everything to us.
I can't do that, lieutenant.
I was hired to find Snowflake.
When we find Marino...
...we'll deliver Snowflake.
When I find Snowflake...
...I'll deliver Marino.
Melissa, it's Ace!
What are you doing here?
It's the middle of the night.
You have to commit me.
Finkle escaped from Shady Acres.
They still have his stuff.
They aren't gonna let us look around.
I know.
It's a good thing
I'm a master of disguise.
Mrs. Robinson...
...I'm Dr. Handly.
Now who is it you want us to look at?
My brother...
I'm ready to go in.
Just give me a chance!
I know there's a lot riding on it,
but it's all psychological.
Just gotta stay positive.
I'm gonna execute
a buttonhook pattern, super slow-mo.