You don't break the law but occasionally you
bend it. When that time comes, improvise.
Yes, sir.
Cover me.
Get your hands up over your head.
Get down on the pavement! Get down!
- What the f...
- Sergeant.
You men, back off. Get back,
goddammit! Put those guns down!
lt's OK. You can get up when...
Goddammit, get back!
What the hell is this?
You invited me to come out!
You surprised us. l'm Sergeant O'Malley.
l'm here to work with you.
- What's your name?
- My rhythm section's watching me!
Nobody's gonna hurt you. Everybody OK?
- They're all fine. My name's Chazz.
- Great. lt's good to meet you, Chazz.
Tell me what l can do to get you to end this.
- You gotta find my tape.
- Sure. OK. What kind of tape is it?
lt's a demo tape. We wanna play it on the air.
You wanna play this tape on the radio,
then you'll come out?
Right. The machine inside ate the original.
My girlfriend's got the only other copy.
- Give me her number. l'll call her.
- l already tried that. She's off for the night.
- You're gonna have to find her.
- Where is she?
l don't know. Try the Strip somewhere.
Maybe The Whisky.
She's totally pissed at me, but...
ls that her? She's a real looker.
Why don't black people like me?
- Excuse me?
- lt's just that l listen to a lot of rap music,
and l know how angry black people are.
And l feel bad for all you guys
gotta put up with.
Well, that's very nice of you.
How about when you go into a store
and all the clerks start starin' at you
like you're gonna rob the place and
you're like ''l just wanna buy something''?
That's never happened.
Does that happen to you?
Ah, no, but l'm just saying
that would be bad if it did.
Look at Chazz doing his thing.
Listen, Chazz,