- Give me her number. l'll call her.
- l already tried that. She's off for the night.
- You're gonna have to find her.
- Where is she?
l don't know. Try the Strip somewhere.
Maybe The Whisky.
She's totally pissed at me, but...
ls that her? She's a real looker.
Why don't black people like me?
- Excuse me?
- lt's just that l listen to a lot of rap music,
and l know how angry black people are.
And l feel bad for all you guys
gotta put up with.
Well, that's very nice of you.
How about when you go into a store
and all the clerks start starin' at you
like you're gonna rob the place and
you're like ''l just wanna buy something''?
That's never happened.
Does that happen to you?
Ah, no, but l'm just saying
that would be bad if it did.
Look at Chazz doing his thing.
Listen, Chazz,
this is gonna take some time, OK?
You have to send out one of the hostages
just as a sign of good faith. That's my rules.
All right, fine. You have
your orders, Chief. Now get cracking.
lt's more like power slop, but with an edge.
OK. The cops are going to get Kayla.
l cut a deal with them.
We've gotta send one person out.
l'll go.
- A hostage, doof.
- Sorry.
But not me, man. lt's just too cool.
Why don't we let Yvonne go, man?
She's very nice.
Wait a minute. l don't see why you
automatically have to choose a woman.
Well, it's kind of sexist, don't you think?
l mean, we could draw straws.
- We could...
- OK.
Yvonne, go. You'll be home
in time for The Simpsons.
Stay strong, sister.