I give you my word as a gentleman
I'll be on that plane.
Truck was spotted
by an LAPD traffic officer.
It's a different colour
but the same make and model.
Read you. Out. Beach leader, over?
Negatory, SWAT,
hold for our arrival.
ETA...11 minutes. Out.
Billy, who were you talking to?
Truck was inside
the county green line,
so I co-ordinated
with the SMPD, BHPD,
LAPD, sheriff of Los Angeles County,
Parks and Recreation,
Highway Patrol, district attorney's
office and US Naval Shore Patrol.
Beach leader to team one. Proceed.
All teams standing ready...
Go! Go! Go!
Area secured.
Lab says these are the same
fibres as the truck upholstery.
No help there. Some sand, probably
blew in after it was abandoned.