# Ma
He's awful nice to me #
# Ma, he's almost
breakin' my heart #
What are you waitin' for?
Kill them!
Come on. Let's go
get somethin' to eat.
- I feel like eatin' ribs.
- That's a good idea.
I gotta go shoot crap at Tommy's. He's
got a game at the Ansonia. I gotta go.
Somebody's got to let
Mr. Valenti know what's going on.
He's at the Three Deuces.
- Why don't you go tell him?
- I promised Bobby Doyle.
I can't do nothin'.
- I gotta shoot a game.
- What's a matter, Cheech? Don't
you wanna baby-sit his girl?
His girlfriend's
a pain in my ass.
# You gotta see Mama
every night #
# Or you can't see Mama
at all #
# You gotta kiss Mama
Treat her right #
# Or she won't be home
when you call #
# Now if you want
my company #
- Here, doll, take care of this hat.
- # You can't fifty-fifty me #
- Mr. V. here?
- Yeah, right this way.
-Nice crowd.
-Yeah, we're packin' 'em in every night.
- Right here.
- # Monday night I sat alone #
# Tuesday night
you didn't phone #
# Wednesday night
you didn't call #
- Done.
- Now that's a load
off my mind. How many?
- Four.
- This means we ain't heard the last.
You know Kustabeck's gonna have a fit,
but he'll run scared.
- Maybe.
- Listen, a deal's a deal.
- We got midtown. I mean, eh...
Mr. Valenti does.
- [ Whistling ]
# I don't want that kind
of a sheik #
# Who does his sheiking
once a week #
# You gotta see Mama
every night #
# Or you can't see #
# You can't see Mama
at all ##