- Here, doll, take care of this hat.
- # You can't fifty-fifty me #
- Mr. V. here?
- Yeah, right this way.
-Nice crowd.
-Yeah, we're packin' 'em in every night.
- Right here.
- # Monday night I sat alone #
# Tuesday night
you didn't phone #
# Wednesday night
you didn't call #
- Done.
- Now that's a load
off my mind. How many?
- Four.
- This means we ain't heard the last.
You know Kustabeck's gonna have a fit,
but he'll run scared.
- Maybe.
- Listen, a deal's a deal.
- We got midtown. I mean, eh...
Mr. Valenti does.
- [ Whistling ]
# I don't want that kind
of a sheik #
# Who does his sheiking
once a week #
# You gotta see Mama
every night #
# Or you can't see #
# You can't see Mama
at all ##
Not at all.
[ Applause ]
I'm fed up!
I'm fed up, do you hear me?
You can push your torpedoes around all
you want, but I've had it up to here!
- What is it now?
- I am not sharing a dressing room.
I am tired of getting
bumped into and stepped on.
None of these bimbos knows how to dance.
- Bimbos!
- They're the best line in New York.
- Bullshit! Bullshit!
- Oh, knock it off.
- Hey, clam up over there.
Olive, come on.
- What?
- Olive, it's our anniversary.
- It's not our anniversary.
-You're getting senile.
-It's September 28. Six months to today.
- So?
- I remember it like it was yesterday...
'cause that's the morning
we broke Joey Benjamin's legs.
- Six months? Six months!
- Yeah. Six months.
- And I'm still stuck
in this crummy rat trap!
- Olive. I brought you somethin'.
- What is it?
- Open it.
- No, you open it.
Can't you see I'm dressing?
- I'll open it. Here. Hey.
- What is it?
- Pearls! What the hell
do you think they are?
- Pearls are white.
- These are black pearls.